1. Pet Care: How to keep your pet safe around all that Halloween candy

    Pet care is always important. With Halloween tomorrow it is more important than ever for pet care. Once your kids get home with enough candy for the rest of the year you are going to want to ensure that the candy is completely out of reach of your pets. Your furry friend has a sense of smell that will take over and they will find a way to get to that candy. Keep it out of reach or every better loc…Read More

  2. Ticks & Your Pet

    The chances are that if you have been a pet owner for a while then you have had experiences with ticks. Finding a tick on your dog or cat can be a very unsettling occurrence. Ticks are vicious little creatures who find it particularly easy to hitch a ride and a meal on pets. As a pet owner, however, it is important to know the risks that come with your pet having ticks. As a common parasite, ticks…Read More

  3. Changed To Increase Your Pet’s Quality of Life

    Whether you are the new owner of a kitten or puppy or you have noticed that your beloved and longtime pet’s health seems to not be as great as it used to be, you might need to know what sort of food and exercise regime you should be putting your pet on.Most people don’t really consider that poor diet and lack of exercise for a pet has the same effects that it would on a human. That is why it i…Read More


    If you have been noticing changes in your dog’s behavior lately it may not be something you want to ignore. Maybe your pooch used to have a ton of energy and now it seems as if he/she is apathetic towards you when you come home. Changes in temperament are also a great sign that something is wrong with your pet. If a once patient and kind dog is now easily irritated and somewhat aggressive, this …Read More


    Like humans, dogs too can be afflicted with diabetes. Most commonly female dogs in the middle of their lives are diagnosed with this disease when their pancreas slowly declines in the amount of insulin it is producing. Insulin is a hormone that is essential to having a healthy metabolism that works correctly. Symptoms: The most common symptom you will see in a canine with onset diabetes is excessi…Read More


    The delicious smell of cinnamon spice in the air, the wonderful sight of turning leaves and the sound of screaming kids as they race through the neighborhood collecting candy. Halloween should be all about costumes and candy, but sometimes it can turn tragic. There are several things every pet owner should keep in mind around Halloween to prevent poisoning your pets. Lets start with cats. Everyone…Read More


    Most animals get a nail trim/pedicure every time they visit the groomers. But not all animals make it into the pet salon. Some pets bathe themselves in the pond or lake or swimming pool (you know those dogs I’m talking about), some get groomed at home and some just never seem to be dirty. But do not forget about their toenails. A good pedicure is one of the most important parts of grooming. Pet�…Read More